Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal 92 More me

Let me just say I started this post yesterday. And am finishing it today.
Today=not fun.

1. I'm off networked blogs. Did not like it. I should say I hope I'm off. I should be. I should check.
(yep I'm off).
2. I'm halfway through watching The Machinist with Christian Bale, a not-new movie where, so far, he weighs less than I do. I'm perplexed. It's like a film noir. I say I'm "halfway" through watching it because I fell asleep (not from boredom) last night as we were watching it.
After the Leaf game. God, if I actually enjoyed hockey this could be an exciting season (sorry the Pats have my heart).
3. I am pretty sure I'm eloping. Thank you everyone for the offers of help.
4. Reading other blogs lately (some, not all) has been tedious. Sometimes I read very average blogs and I Do Not Like Them. They are a) shallow, b) poorly written, just there for 'something to do', and c) boring. Give Give me...readability. Give me...honesty.
I am still reading (just re-discovering) Mama Pundit by K. Granju and am consistently blown away by her unbelievable writing style. I also just found Love, Maegen, and I really like that one, even though it is a fashion blog--she is not self-centred about it in the least. Still reading Reagan's Blob, too, and Hairdresser on Fire, and I have to admit--she has somehow got me to slowly, gently, give up my addiction to my flat iron and (gasp) wear my hair up and experiment with pins, waves, and NO HEAT. I know. I didn't think ANYONE could do it.
5. My foot is almost there.
6. I'm still journalling.
7. Still re-reading Joan Didion and thinking even MORE about how some writers just have a gift, that's it. Nothing else to declare. Talent. God-given.
8. Renewed my library books for another 3 weeks, all four of them. The shame.
9. Oh yea, Vegas is out. Ready for all the opinions.
10. I miss getting funny cartoons and articles from Macleans about running, politics, business, anything, and cards in the mail 'for no reason' from my Dad. I thought about the last one I have from him, probably from April this year. I knew, on some level, that would be the last mail I would get from him, but I still miss it.

Later, after I started writing this yesterday:

11. I'm home now. It's after 8:30, because I've been at the side of the DVP southbound for over an hour. I hit a tire on the road, shredded my own tire, and waited for the roadside assistance to come and change said tire. My car is now at the mechanic's, in their parking garage, awaiting tomorrow morning so it can be seen. Yes. This is my second flat tire in 2 weeks.
Yes, this may cost way more since the tire and rim look ruined. Yes. I am upset, but I kept my composure and calm until I got home. Now I'm kind of dissolving (I know--no crying over split milk, but it's cold out, I was on the side of the road, I don't have my car, and the payment for this is my wedding dress money).

Nothing, I repeat, nothing, is going right lately.

I still hate November.

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