Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sweet Dreams

On a lighter note I bring you the link to the OneMinuteWriter.

It's playing as I write this. Oddly, on my ipod as I tune in and look at the One Minute Writer Daily Writing Prompt.

It said to pick a theme song (not write one oh god no) that would go with your profession. I already have one, I picked it up after seeing an episode of "The City" (no relation) and it is Sweet Dreams, by that ubiquitously a-sexual Annie Lennox, whom, as my friend A once summed up as "a woman who has spent some dark nights alone with several martinis".

My theme song doesn't literally relate to my job as a kitchen designer. Unless you count angst-ridden renovation nightmares. It relates more to a certain sense I get when I experience those twinge-worthy moments of professional epiphany, of pride, or a great new idea, or a sense of connection to those I am working for, and in some cases, against.
Let me give you the premise of how the song was used in The City, a guilty pleasure of mine that I enjoy watching, truly, for the fashions, but also for the peek inside the almost-homicidal-level of office politics that colours the office staff of the employees and management of a little fashion magazine known as Elle.
In one telling scene, Erin has a break-through at work where she backs down from a truly evil co-worker, and lets karma deal with this little troublemaker. It's for a cover of the magazine, and out of a focus group, her idea, which was pooh-poohed by her colleagues, ends up the chosen cover for the spring issue.
At the end of the episode, the cover is revealed in a board meeting with the entire creative team, Bitch-Girl and Erin and their blind-to-it-all boss Joe Zee.
The opening bars of this 80s hit swell up behind the scene as the meeting ends, and the team gets up from the boardroom table to leave the meeting.
Not Erin. She doesn't move as the song begins to reach crescendo;
"oooooooooohh hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaooohhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhahhahahah....." and Annie Lennox's voice becomes the instrument.
The music pounds at the end, and Erin remains motionless, I presume to enjoy her professional orgasm.
Because whose kidding who--watching a karmic backlash in motion is, bar none, one of the
sweetest moments in life.

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